3 Most important things You Should Do After A Motorcycle Accident

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Researchers have found that the risk of death on motorcycles is at least 25 times greater than that of a person driving a car. It is not uncommon for bikers to collide with cars and suffer fatal injuries as a result. In addition to these factors, motorcycles are always at risk for poor road conditions. There are many conditions on New York roads that might not be noticeable to other drivers, but for motorcycles, they can be very hazardous.


What Are Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of wrongful death for people under 35, Some of these injuries can be life-threatening or may result in various disabilities.

What causes these injuries? The most common accident types include striking solid objects like trees or poles and overturning when crashing or hitting another vehicle on the side.

Head injuries.

 The main cause of head injuries is that head injuries are the most common type of injury sustained in accidents involving motorized vehicles. Furthermore, motorcycle accidents are among the leading causes of traumatic brain injury.


So what should you do after a motorcycle accident?


1. Call 911

If you are involved in a motorcycle crash, immediately call 911and the Police. Continuing to operate your motorcycle can be fatal. If possible, avoid being transported to the hospital. If you have serious injuries that need immediate attention, it is best to get examined by a doctor who is familiar with motorcycle accidents.


2.  Gather evidence

It’s very important to always gather any evidence after a motorcycle accident, take pictures, and videos if you are very injured. If someone is trying to help you to gather evidence, keep all the information (medical and insurance matters) so that it can be used to file your claim.


3. Speak with a lawyer and your insurance company

Many people who have been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident sign over their medical information to their insurance company voluntarily, do not consent to any treatments. It’s very important to make sure that this information is kept confidential and used only for purposes related to your case. This can include treating injuries or determining how much money you should be compensated for your injuries, it is crucial to speak to a qualified personal injury lawyer in NYC to have a successful claim. 



If you were in a motorcycle accident contact an award-winning local accident attorney today:

Ribowsky Law 109-12 Jamaica Ave, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 718-659-5333 https://www.mrinjurylawyerny.com

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