The Effects Of Covid-19 On Divorce In New York

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Covid-19 has thrown the entire US population and market into a frenzy. There has been stress and tension from every angle due to job loss, money concerns, isolation, and people being trapped inside of their own homes with family for periods of time that have never been done before. All of these factors have led to marital issues and an increase in divorce across the US and in the state of New York.

During the pandemic, many institutions have been close, such as non-essential courts.  With increases at an all-time high, the real effects might not be finished yet. With courts slowly reopening many experts have predicted that the divorce rate will actually increase even higher post lockdown, as people are freer to travel and schedule appointments.

The strain on family life, divorce searches on the internet have increased by 30% in New York. Many couples have admitted that the strain from the lockdown has caused harm to their family life that will ultimately lead to divorce. 

Working with a compassionate and experienced divorce lawyer can be one of the best options for couples in these situations. Non contested divorced in New York are when both couples agree and can be handled efficiently and quickly with the proper help.

In situations where there is disagreement or major assets and properties that must be settled, the importance of a local divorce lawyer is even more important. With the expected uptick in divorce filings, the courts will be full and the divorce process, which everyone wants to finish as quickly as possible might drag on if you are not using a divorce legal expert.

Don’t hesitate to contact an expert local divorce law firm for a free consultation today:

Aronov Esq Contested Divorce Lawyer 98-14 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY 11374 (718) 206-2050

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