Ingrown Toenail Treatments And Surgical Options

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An Ingrown Toenail is a condition where the nail, usually on the big toe, begins to grow into the soft tender skin that surrounds the toe. It can be caused by a few different reasons but by far the most common are:

  • A Toe injury
  • Shoes that are too slender
  • Cutting your toenail too short

The unfortunate truth is that two of the most common causes of ingrown toenails are completely avoidable by simply changing our habits and shoes.

But, with that being said, an ingrown toenail is not a pain-free or simple disorder. It can cause unbearable pain and swell in the toe. It can lead to infections, and because the toenails continue to grow, it will continue to get worse so treatments are always better sooner than later. In fact, 20% of all people visiting their family doctor for foot pain have ingrown toenails. That is why podiatrists that specialize in ingrown toenails are familiar and efficient at treating ingrown nails, with many treatments and solutions being done in a few hours or less. 

You might have heard of at-home treatments like soaking your foot, using antibiotic cream or pain medication, which usually are not effective and only mask the underlying causes.

Essentially there are 3 options for treating ingrown toenails.

    1. The simplest of the 3, used for very minor cases is simply lifting the toenail. Your podiatrist will use sterile equipment to lift the nail and put a small barrier or wedge under the infected part allowing it to start to grow normally, You might be required to continue to apply an appointment or soak it to speed up recovery.
    2. For slightly more serious cases your podiatrist will remove part of the nail. After applying a numbing agent your podiatrist will cut away the section of the nail that is growing into the skin. When they remove the section of nail you will find the underlying skin is extremely sensitive and tender and needs to be cared for properly
    3. For the most severe cases, your podiatrist will remove the entire nail. This is a last resort surgical option because in some cases the nail will not grow back. Your local podiatrist will examine your toe, and overall health and consult with you to decide which option is best and if surgery is necessary.

In the heart of NYC is one of the most trusted podiatrists for ingrown toenail surgery:

Downtown Podiatry Physicians 80 Maiden Ln #905D New York, NY 10038 (212) 379-6767

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