State of Forest Hills Civic Community at WSTC

Views: 205

State of Forest HillsPlease join the Forest Hills Asian Association, Queens Community Board 6 and the West Side Tennis Club at the State of Forest Hills Civic Community meeting on January 30th at the West Side Tennis Club at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the first-floor dining room and bar area.

Come celebrate the New Year and learn more about various Forest Hills community organizations, their plans for 2019, and how to get involved. Elected officials who represent the community are also invited.

All are welcome to meet and mingle. Admission is free. There will be cheese crudité and crackers as well as a cash bar.

Free parking is available in the club members parking lot for the evening. You can RSVP here!

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1 Response

  1. January 30, 2019

    […] the Blogs • The State of the Forest Hills Civic Community is taking place […]

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