FHAA December Holiday Celebration
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Please join the Forest Hills Asian Association for their annual December Holiday Celebration on Thursday, December 20, from 7:00pm-8:30pm at The West Side Tennis Club.
This event is free and all are welcome to meet and mingle. There will be giveaways and raffles. Cheese crudité and crackers and a cash bar will also be available.
Come celebrate the holiday season with special guests:
David & Cindy Fu, Fu Generation Foundation
“Serving families of the Asian American Community and Beyond”
The Fu Generation Foundation was created to support programs providing improved quality of life for the elderly, assist programs that encourage young people to succeed in their studies and their lives, and contribute to other selected non-profit organizations that serve the broad well-being or families.
Corky Lee, Sons of the American Legion, Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291
Join Mr. Lee to discuss HR 2358 – Chinese-American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act. (Chinese American Citizens Alliance), Corky Lee, as the Self Appointed at Freelance undisputed, unofficial Asian American photographer laureate will also discuss the May 2019 Sesquicentennial 150th anniversary of the completion of the US Transcontinental Railroad and contributions of Chinese American railroad workers labor to those efforts.
Free parking is available for club members in the lot for the evening. To donate to the raffle or for more information, please email ed.fhaa11375@gmail.com. This event is free but registration is required here!
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[…] • The Forest Hills Asian Association will host their annual December Holiday Celebration on Thursday. […]