Senior Single New Yorkers held meeting at 112th Precinct
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On Saturday, April 29, Facebook group Senior Single New Yorkers met at the 112th Precinct. It was a special day, according to the group’s administrator Judy Berman, because the DEA collected expired and unused medication bottles that day. Some members brought old medicine and disposed of it in the designated repository to safely dispose of it.
The group was greeted by Detective Gigi Redzematovic and were welcomed with fresh bagels and cream cheese, juice and pamphlets to provide members with information on various relevant and critical issues.
Redzematovic provided the group with a booklet called “Crime Prevention for Seniors,” which is a booklet recently prepared and provided that will be very valued for use by seniors and by anyone for that matter. The booklet has contact list of numbers and website for various problems and is very readable especially for seniors with large print and illustrations.
Redzematovic took the time to review the booklet completely with the group. The group covered robberies. For example, do not to open your door if you are not sure. Other material covered included mail theft, bank scams and phone call scams.
Another issue covered was immigration, where the group was told to not be fearful to report a crime or fearful to approach the police if they are victim to a crime. This is an issue that’s close to the group because of the current immigration issues and sanctuary city issues.
No one knows when we can become victim of a crime or need help and it is so vital to feel comfortable with the local police department. The 112th Precinct Community Council and Redzematovic are invaluable in the role of liaison between the police and civilians to open up communication, open the door for question and dialogue.
The group’s members came from Forest Hills, Kew Gardens and Brooklyn. Each person will share the information learned with their loved ones and community. The Community Council will also be visiting the Senior Centers with the senior booklets. This is something that will be received with high praise and gratitude.
Submitted by Judy Berman of Senior Single New Yorkers