Venus NY body shaping in Forest Hills offers an alternative solution for toning your body

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“We believe in the power of a healthy and beautiful body. Having a body you are proud of can change your life,” says Julia Gometz, owner of Venus NY body shaping.

Venus NY, located on the second floor at 108-12 72nd Avenue in Forest Hills, wants you to say goodbye to your cellulite and muffin top by using a personalized program which will meet your individual needs.


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Venus NY provides the latest technology to slim, shame and tone your body. You can lose 3-9 inches of fat in weeks.

How it works…

1. Fat Filled Cells: The light energizes the fat cells causing an accelerated pore opening.

2. Emulsified Fatty Debris: All the contents of the fat cells, the fatty acids, glycerol and water, are carried to the lymph system and are released from the body. Permanently.

3. Empty & Collapsed Cells: Think of it as a grape shrinking down to the size of a raisin.


Here’s what one Forest Hills Mom, age 40, said: “I can’t believe I lost 2 inches around my waist in the first week! And that’s the hardest place for me to lose weight. Usually when I diet, it comes off my arms and chest, but Venus NY made it so easy to lose fat in the areas I specified.”


Venus NY’s promises that it’s program will:Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 11.14.38 AM

  • Target stubborn areas
  • Non-invasive
  • No pain
  • No downtime
  • Shrinks fat while maintaining muscle
  • Safe
  • No side effects (except happiness)
Here’s the research behind it!



Venus NY can be reached at  855.836-8769 and their Forest Hills location is open during the times listed below:

  • Tuesday and Thursday: 11am – 7pm
  • Wednesday and Friday: 8am- 4pm
  • Saturdays: 9am – 1pm
  • Closed Sunday and Monday

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1 Response

  1. Josefina Ramos says:

    I would like to lose 20 pounds while I reshape my body at the same time in a heatlty way with downtime and no negative side effects. Venus NY seeing to be my answer. I am very excited to schedule a consultation as soon as possible. Thank you!

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