
Radiology Center Check In Desk in Glendale, Queens

Understanding The Role Of Radiology In Modern Medicine

Views: 0Radiology, a branch of medical science, is the practice of diagnosing and treating diseases using various imaging techniques. Radiologists use techniques such as X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, and ultrasound to produce images of the...

Earth Day at Forest Hills Library

Views: 0Building A Foundation as Queens’ Youngest Volunteers By Michael Perlman mperlman@queensledger.com A day prior to Earth Day, under a beaming sun on a mild spring morning, blooming opportunities were underway at the Forest Hills Library...

Seven Spots to See the Bloom in Queens

Views: 0By Iryna Shkurhan | ishkurhan@queensledger.com With each unfurled petal and new splash of color, we settle into the new spring season. All across the city, cherry blossom trees are making a statement. Luckily you don’t...

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