Category: Forest Hills Gardens

The Daffodil Project 2018

Views: 0New Yorkers for Parks and NYC Parks founded The Daffodil Project in 2001 as a living memorial to September 11. With OVER 7 MILLION free bulbs planted citywide by more than 100,000 young students, parks,...

Red Pipe Cafe hosts art exhibit

Views: 0 In an effort to support the local arts community, the Red Pipe Cafe hosts an art exhibit to display the works of local artists every three months. The August Art Exhibit will take place...

Four Legged Friends: Tara

Views: 0 You don’t have to go to the land of Oz to find this cairn terrier! Tara “Scott” Szabados is 13 years old. This senior dog loves eating baby carrots and hates cats. She is...

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