Annual Haunted House at West Side Tennis Club

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The West Side Tennis Club (WSTC) hosted its annual Halloween celebration on Sunday, remade as a Haunted Zoo.

“It is magical to see the clubhouse transform,” said Alice Adams, a 17-year-old junior member who resides in Greenwich, Connecticut, and began coordinating the West Side Haunted Series at age 10 in 2012. “The best part of each year is seeing my vision for the Haunted party come to life in the Club’s lounge.”

The series began with the Haunted House, followed by the a hotel, restaurant, candy store, department store, carnival, hospital, and zoo.

“For the first two years, I was inspired by the haunted houses that my school had and came up with similar themes,” Adams said. “As the years went on, I focused on themes where I could create five separate rooms that were unique and had individual character.”

This year, the lounge was transformed into the Alien Room, Zombie Pig Pen Room, Bigfoot Gorilla Den, Undead Zombie Room, and Momo’s Concession Stand. In the dining room, children enjoyed face painting, arts and crafts, Halloween cat beanbag toss, and snacks.

Adams, a third-generation member, is the daughter of architect Linna Hunt and real estate consultant Rick Adams. Her aunt is WSTC Archives Committee co-chair Bea Hunt, who has been a member since the early 1970s.

“I grew up at the WSTC and used to come almost every weekend to take lessons and play tennis with my aunt Bea and uncle Richard Del Nunzio,” Adams said. “I particularly enjoyed practicing with them.”

This year, a 2019 West Side Tennis Club Service Award was presented by CEO and general manager Mario DiPreta to Adams. In addition to organizing the Halloween celebration, Adams has bern on the Junior Development Committee since 2012 and organizing winter holiday and Easter events, as well.

Adams will being college next year, but hopes she will have time to continue organizing the much-anticipated traditions. “I would love to,” she said.

The club give Adams a budget of $325 for the event, but many of the club’s families also contribute.

“I have learned more about budgeting and what is worth splurging on, and the more fun I have planning them, the more fun they usually turn out.” she said, noting the help she gets from assistant general manager Chris Romita and the club staff. “I would not be able to plan these parties without them.”

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