112th hosts annual Night Out Against Crime

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The 112th Precinct hosted its annual National Night Out Against Crime at the Forest Hills Jewish Center last Tuesday.

The community-building event aims to strengthen the precinct’s relationship with the communities of Forest Hills and Rego Park.

“My goal has been and will continue to be to reduce crime in Forest Hills and Rego Park and forge a positive relationship with the community,” said Captain Jonathan Cermeli, who took over the precinct last June.

Local businesses like Target and organizations like the Forest Hills Lions Club were part of the event with raffles, giveaways and information on topics like public safety.

Demonstrations included a boxing demonstration by Title Boxing Club and performances from a local magician.
Food was donated by Vitello’s Marketplace and Trader Joe’s. Donations from Re

go Center, Ridgewood Savings Bank and Costco also made the event possible.

The evening concluded with presentations and awards presented to officers and community members.

“During our event tonight we honor our officers, celebrate our community and provide the opportunity for our neighbors to eat and talk with our officers and our elected representatives,” said Heidi Harrison Chain, president of the 112th Precinct Community Council.

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