Forest Hills House of the Week

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The Forest Hills House of the Week is a beautiful new construction that features six bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms.

The home features many skylights, heated floors, a balcony and an easy flow throughout. In addition to the residential space, the home has a professional office space with a separate entry on the ground level.

The home is close to a house of worship, transportation, as well as shops.
The asking price is $5,750,000 and the home is located at 108-29 70th Avenue.

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1 Response

  1. countervail says:

    I’m not sure why you would say this is beautiful. The exterior is plain and awkward, the interior is a mix of bad styling of middle eastern 1980s disco chic. The staircase literally blocks a door.

    I suppose it’s the going rate for that area these days, but $5,000,000+ for this? It’s got to be the location because it’s surely not the house.

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