Business & Kiwanis Networking Event Tonight

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President and CEO of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, Thomas Grech, is the guest speaker tonight at a networking event for Forest Hills Businesses at Acey Ducey’s on Metropolitan Avenue from 6PM – 8PM, tonight, Wednesday, January 23. Tim Ducey, Vice President of The Forest Hills Kiwanis Club, will be hosting the event. For just $20 guests can enjoy food, beverages, and great networking opportunities.

“Kiwanis is a great organization, which raises money to help run the parade here, provides an opportunity for people to network and we are always lending a helping hand for children in the neighborhood,” said Tim. “We expect about 40 people at the event tonight, including business and civic leaders from the area,” he said.

The event is open to anyone who wants to come. You can pay at the door.

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