Audition for a Forest Hills production

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The Parkside Players are holding auditions for their next production.
Auditions for the Spring 2018 production will be held on Sunday, March 11 at 2 p.m. and Wednesday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 103-15 Union Tpke.
The production is Marc Camoletti’s Tony©-winning farce “BOEING BOEING!” which will be directed by Will Frenzel. The show follows 60s lothario Bernard who has Italian, German and American fiancés. Each woman is an airline hostess for a different airline. Chaos ensues when their schedules line up in Paris and all three visit Bernard’s apartment.

The roles, according to the Parkside Players, are:
BERNARD An American architect living in Paris; handsome, well-educated, charming; engaged to three air hostesses whom he manages to keep in the dark about one another by managing their visits on a strict timetable; takes boyish pleasure in the success of his devious doings, until his careful planning starts to fall apart, deflating his confidence. (Age 20s-30s)
ROBERT Bernard’s schoolmate from back in the States; hasn’t seen Bernard in many years; shy, small-town, Midwestern, and sweet- a nerd by today’s standards; views Bernard’s whirlwind juggling act of three fiancés with awe and admiration–until he gets wrapped up in it himself and his anxiety spins out of control.
(Age 20s-30s)
BERTHE French; Bernard’s long-time live-in maid and cook; although devoted to Bernard, she is tired of keeping up with Bernard’s revolving-door lifestyle, and by play’s end she has been pushed as far as she will go; dry and fantastically sarcastic; never afraid to say what’s on her mind; French accent.
(Age 30s-60s+)
GABRIELLA Bernard’s Italian fiancé; air hostess for Alitalia; sultry and full of fire, she is much smarter and more self-reliant than she first appears; Italian accent.
(Age 20s-40s)
GRETCHEN Bernard’s German fiancé; air hostess for Lufthansa; has an intense Teutonic passion that can spin on a dime-one moment she might be soft and cuddly, and the next barking out orders and breaking furniture; inspires equal amounts of lust and fear in those around her; German accent.
(Age 20s-40s)
GLORIA Bernard’s American fiancé; air hostess for TWA; epitome of a go-getter American woman; has a vigorous appetite for food and love; completely adorable and supremely confident, but she might punch you if you dared call her “cute”; New York accent.
(Age 20s-40s)

Special Notes for Auditioners:
The female characters in this show all have accents: French, German, Italian, and New York American. Also, actresses auditioning for the three air hostesses must be comfortable in high-heeled shoes. All actors must be comfortable with physical comedy.

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