Calls for graffiti removal continue at FH LIRR station
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The Forest Hills LIRR station has generally been one of cleanliness and has fit quite nicely within the architectural gem of Station Square. But multiple graffiti markings have appeared over the past eight months, and residents are still waging a battle with the LIRR to clean it all up.
Affected areas include the Ascan Avenue overpass and the overpass located at 71st Avenue. Although many residents have called upon the LIRR to remove the graffiti, there hasn’t been any change throughout the year. Actually, after telling residents that the matter would be handled by the station maintenance crew, the LIRR failed to do so. Most recently, the LIRR promised to clean up the graffiti before Christmas. But with two days to go, what is the likeliness of this happening?
Along with residents, Council Member have called out the LIRR, saying enough is enough. In a Facebook post, Koslowitz wrote “My constituents should not have to see this blight in the community. The LIRR must listen to the concerns of their customers and take care of their stations!”